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Is It Safe To Carry Stun Gun?

There are so many different kinds of devices one can use when they need safety. In a country like the United States you will find these weapons in abundance as well. The real thinker is whether you want to use something handier or more harmful. Some people would rather use a device that is easy to handle as well as effective. Stun guns are one of these tools that not only provide safety but are also convenient for regular use. When you wonder is it safe to carry stun gun, the issue is handling, and management and it is safe. In fact, many people who do prefer stun guns instead of other weapons like actual guns advocate their safe experience.

On the other hand, it is not just the handling that makes them ideal but also the workability. Many people who prefer guns believe in the fact that they always come on top in conflicts as weapons. But that case can also be successfully applied to stun guns. Unlike other weapons, it has a simple and straightforward mechanism and it does not pose any threat. It is a legal weapon that can be handled pretty well and you can find a stun gun for sale in your local market.

Features Of Stun Guns That Make Them Ideal

If you look into the mechanics of it, it is easy to understand how stun guns are preferred as weapons. They are made to be efficient as well as incredibly convenient for use. One contributing factor of that convenience is the size as well as the simple operating method.

  • A stun gun basically is a push and shoot weapon. You just need to turn it on with a button and then point it at a person and electrocute them.
  • They are electroshock weapons that generate high-voltage current through small pins. These pins act in two ways, projectile and fixed.
  • The fixed stun gun is the more common kind that needs to be stuck against a person’s body to shock them. The second projectile one is what is normally known as a taser which shoots wires out that stick to the body.
  • The current that is generated by these devices is not strong enough to kill but to paralyze. Anyone who comes in contact with it will experience muscle disruption, shivers and intense pain. Prolonged use can lead to nervous damage and permanent paralysis but those cases are rare.
  • A stun gun is the generic name of any stun weapon that paralyzes the victim. A taser is the commercial name of the company that invented and sold the first stun guns.
  • Almost all stun guns either run on batteries or are rechargeable so you can use them constantly.
  • Stun guns are usually shaped like remote controls or thermometer readers and are pretty handy. You can easily keep them in your car or in your purse or pocket without extra care or management.

Difference Between Stun Gun and Taser Gun

The workings of all major stun guns are pretty much the same and they accomplish the same results. But even within this umbrella of weapons, you can choose which suits you more.

When it comes to stun guns, you are relying more on your senses and ability to use it properly. A stun gun is a close-range weapon that requires you to be close to your attacker. You have to stick it right into the body for it to electrocute a person. You need to be aware of how a stun gun is positioned and where it would work best.

A taser on the other hand is preferred by people who like to avoid all physical confrontation. As mentioned earlier, it is a projectile weapon so it has to be used at a distance. It can shoot out a wire to a distance of at least 15 to 35 feet with professional police-grade tasers. These weapons are mainly used for pursuit or chases and where you need to stop someone in their tracks before they get close.

Types Of Stun Guns You Can Get

There is a very specific reason that the stun gun market is growing very rapidly. Unlike other weapons, a considerable evolution has taken place in these weapons. Stun guns are not just a single type of weapon that is useful, it is also made to accommodate different scenarios.

You will find the most prevalent form where they are designed for law enforcement. These tasers are meant to be heavy-duty and look like threatening weapons to reprimand criminals. These are usually high voltage tasers that are also projectile and resemble guns.

The one tier lower than that is the basic stun gun that can be used by civilians. Even though this would have a high voltage as well it is still manageable for inexperienced people. These stun guns look like remote controls or cellphones in shape and are super handy.

Then there are some inventions in the stun guns that are specifically made for discreet use. These would include some choice designs for different occasions where you need to conceal your weapon. The first one is the best stun gun flashlight; it has an actual LED light and a powerful surge. You can navigate your way in the dark and also use it to keep criminals away at night.

The third kind in this category is the most impressive ones, the lipstick and pen stun guns. These are actual weapons concealed as everyday objects you can sneak into formal and fun places. They are easy to mix with your basic possessions and will keep you safe in the office, school or at parties.

Buying Cheap Stun Guns For Safety

No matter where you are and how you move around on your own, everyone deserves a right to safety. Stun guns are such democratic weapons that are affordable, easy to use and appealing to everyone. If you also want a good stun gun, check out PA Knives online page. You can get the best wholesale stun guns from their store for less price and more advantage. Now safety is within reach and effective at all times.