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Build Your Inner Strength With The Humble Bo Staff

Have you ever considered developing our core strength and learning a few neat fighting techniques on the way? If so, the Bo Staff is an ideal fighting weapon you should give a shot to. You can master some brilliant karate self-defense techniques with a good bo staff starting with simple upper body exercises.

It's never too late to teach yourself some useful life hacks. Learning to use a bo staff is both good exercise and a relevant skill that could come in handy. Let's peek into the origins and advantages of using bo staff for everyone who isn't super into martial arts.

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Origin – How A Simple Stick Changed Self Defense

Let’s take a trip down the 15th Century when Emperor Sho Shin took control of Okinawa, Japan. The military governed the island, and all weapons were banned for the civilians. Under the threat of attack from samurai armies, local people wanted to create alternative armaments. As they say, need is the mother of inventions, bo staff was born out of need as well.

The bow staff, as it is also called, was invented by local farmers. They used wooden rattan sticks for hiking and carrying water up and down the hills. The civilians taught themselves some necessary defense and attack moves using the regular sticks. In martial arts, these moves eventually came to be known as legit defense techniques. Similarly, the lowly wooden stick became the famous bo staff, the essential weapon of self-defense.

How Do You Use A Wooden Bo Staff?

Nowadays, martial arts are prevalent in the U.S. You can join actual training centers where you can learn self-defense and karate fighting techniques from professionals. A wooden bo staff is a primary weapon that you can master at the beginner level. Here are some basic ways a bo staff can help you protect yourself from danger.

  • Thrusting – since the bo staff is a rigid stick, you can use it to poke and injure someone from a distance. These techniques are called forcing, using the staff to keep someone away. Downward thrust is a famous move to help push your opponent to the ground. You can then use your arms to tilt the staff and thrust downwards onto their chest to restrain them. 
  • Blocking – this is the most standard move to perform with a Bo staff. It allows you to stop any attack towards your head and body with a stiff stance. You need to place your hands at either end of the staff, raise it parallel to the ground, and block the attack.
  • Sweep and Strike – A strike is meant to hit your opponent with your staff's slim end. You can raise your staff and bring it under your armpit from one side. Swing the other side in a swift motion and hit your opponent in the head. A sweep is also similar, but it helps misbalance your opponent. Swing your right arm towards the ankles and sweep under your opponent's legs to throw them off.

Where to Buy a Bo Staff in the U.S?

You can easily find high-quality bo staff for sale in your area, from reputable weapon stores. If there are any specific stores that sell martial arts weapons, they will have a great collection. The most convenient place to buy Bo staff, is through online retailers.

The best in the game is PA Knives, one of the most well-stocked and reasonably priced sources for all martial arts weapons. You can buy expertly crafted variety of karate bo staffs for sale for beginners and professionals alike. Have a look at some of their best products listed below, and you might just be tempted to get one too.

  • Plain Rattan Jo Staff with Skin - 4 Foot
    If you want to learn basic blocking and striking techniques, this rattan bo staff is ideal. It's comfortable to hold and has an average length so you can gradually build your upper body core. 
  • Burned Carved Rattan Escrima Stick
    Depending on your skill level, you can always progress into learning more complicated fighting moves. This Escrima stick is the best ninja bo staff to get if you want to master striking and blocking.
  • 5 Foot Rattan Bo Staff with Skin – learning martial arts techniques is firstly a mental practice and then a physical one. This 5-foot taekwondo bo staff will help you channel that strength into your fighting technique.

Get Cheap Bo Staff but Better Quality

If you want to hone your fighting skills without worrying about the bo staff price, buy from PA Knives. They host the best collection of premium, well-crafted bo staffs at wholesale prices. You can learn self-defense and also develop inner strength without weakening your budget. So check out the collection fo staff weapons on their website, and you'll indeed find something that interests you.